Finding Your Way Coaching

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You Bring About What You Think About

6 Key Elements of the Law of Attraction

By now I imagine you’ve heard of the Law of Attraction, either from the Secret or in conversations with your friends.

Do you really know what it is and have you used it? Consciously or not, used it or seen others use it to manifest certain things in their life?

It’s fun, it’s simple, once understood and it’s available to everyone!

6 Key Elements of the Law of Attraction.

I am a certified Law of Attraction expert or Specialist. Yes, I took a course on it because it’s fun and I wanted to understand it at a deeper level and therefore apply it at a deeper level. I thought it would also allow me to teach it at a deeper level.

What it is.

The Law of Attraction

Is a universal law for a magnetic force or energy that is in every aspect of the Universe, including your thoughts. Ultimately it comes down to this:

You Bring About What You Think About.

Your thoughts are things, very powerful things filled with creative energy that will bring back to you what you think most about. Whether that is positive or negative, is up to you, the Law of Attraction cannot discern it can only return back to the individual that which they think about.

It is simple, and yet it is not always easy to use, because of all the thoughts swirling around in your head, then they get bombarded by your interactions and conversations with other people.

Have you ever had the experience of thinking of a friend and then they call you? That is a simple example of the law of attraction.

Some people call it coincidence, that is just based on their lack of knowledge of what is truly happening.

This happens to me all the time, now for me it’s because I have attracted it. That’s right, thinking about it brings it in to life, when you can control and direct your thoughts.

Let’s think about it this way. Have you ever had a problem that you just could not get out of your mind? You were trying so hard to think of a way to solve it, yet what actually happened was the problem got bigger? This too is the Law of Attraction in action.

Like Attracts Like.

Concentrating on negative, or even negative thoughts will bring about more negative thoughts and take you down a rabbit hole. It will bring you more of what you do not want. The opposite is also true, positive thoughts will bring more positive thoughts and more of what you do want.

The Law of Attraction works in every area of your life.

If you have areas in your life that you are unhappy with, it is possible that your thoughts are creating those areas or circumstances. And it works regardless of your knowledge of it. Meaning you don’t have to know and understand it in order to be using it, you can be completely unaware of it.

Law of attraction is as natural as the air we breathe and it never misses its mark. It cannot. It always brings back to its source that which it originated.

Awareness is key. Because the law is working whether you are aware of it or not, once you become aware of it you can work with it better and more frequently. You become better able to direct the energy toward what you want rather than what you do not want.

This is way easier said than done, because people are programmed to focus on what they do not want, or what is wrong, in order to change and/or fix it. With this law, and the Universe, that premise won’t work, because the more you focus on something the more of it you create in your life.

Dominant thoughts or the prevailing thoughts

There is a frequency of thoughts just as there is a frequency of everything in the Universe. Everything in the Universe Vibrates and it vibrates at a frequency or an energetic ‘signal.’ As humans, we also are energy and vibrate at a frequency. That energy or ‘signal’ is unique to you, to each individual on the planet.

Your thoughts will emit a frequency out into the ether or Universe and bring back to you what those thoughts focus on. And, best of all, it can be exactly what it is that you want!

It is so powerful and so amazing. Definitely not easy, as I said before, very powerful and fun.

The thoughts must have energy behind them, a belief in the Truth of the Universe and who you really are. One way to look at this is to say that there must be energy behind what you want, an enthusiasm for it. Another element and perhaps even the most significant one is belief. You must have a belief, in the Law and in the Law’s ability to bring to you what you want.

Have you ever asked for something and have it show up in your life?

The Law does not understand ‘don’t want.’ So if you say or focus on that which you don’t want in an attempt to keep it from coming to you or happening to you, you are using the law backwards or incorrectly.

For example, “I don’t get sick” or “I don’t want to be sick,” all the Universe hears is the want to be sick and that is what you will get. You need to be sure to frame your thoughts or your desires in the positive.

You bring about what you think about.

It is one of the easiest ways to put this. I have heard it for most of my life, without a high amount of understanding for it, I had to acquire that as I learned what this was along the way. Now, I can use it, and like I said it’s fun.

As you grow, and expand in your life, you will grow in your consciousness, your use and understanding of this law will have to grow and expand at the same time. It’s not stagnant.

At every level of your awareness, of every level of your conscious awareness of your beliefs, there will be a new level of understanding for you.

Certifications, sometimes we forget that we have them and therefore we don’t use them as much as we could. Case in point. Law of Attraction. I am, I have a law of attraction certification that means I took a course in it to understand it at a deeper level and therefore apply it at that deeper level while also teaching it to others and to my clients.

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Maureen Considine is Founder and CEO of Finding Your Way Coaching. A Master Coach with expertise in Income Acceleration, Business Development, Sales and Mindset, she is the Wealth Health Creation Strategist for entrepreneurs, executives, and other high performers. Maureen has over 25 years of experience in sales and marketing. She has helped hundreds of clients grow their businesses and reach their true potential using her unique, intuitive, and holistic approach. Maureen has a B.A. in Psychology, with training in mindset and the Psychology of Sales.