What's With All The Annoyance Toward Taylor Swift?
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…And What that says about those who spread it.
For anyone who hasn’t heard, Taylor Swift has been attending the Kansas City Chiefs football games in support of her boyfriend, Chiefs’ tight end Travis Kelce. This has apparently annoyed a lot of people.
From comments yelled at her that she’s ruining football, to social media posts expressing the same grievances, to outright booing her at one of the games she’s attended.
At other games, even in the opposing team’s stadium, she has been excitedly cheered for and celebrated.
If you are counted in the growing number of people annoyed by Taylor Swift at a football game, what are you annoyed by and what does this say about you…
These spectators have openly disapproved of the camera cutting away to show clips of Swift in the box with Kelce’s family. They’re upset by the ’constant showing of Taylor on camera.’
Are these same people opposed to other celebrity fans who occupy airtime at NFL games? Brad Pitt, Ice Cube, Snoop Dogg, Johnny Depp… the list goes on. Or is there something… different… about Swift’s appearances that bothers them?
Eminem was at the Detroit Lions game and the fans sang one of his songs. So is it because she’s a woman, in a man’s field, that is the real cause of the annoyance?
Some say it’s because of the publicity she receives, so her being at the football game is a ‘publicity stunt.’
However, it’s been reported that Swift has blocked her music from being played at Chiefs games, to not draw attention from the intended entertainment. So that fact actually detracts from the argument that she is in this for public admiration (not to mention that she already has quite a big fanbase!).
Taylor does not need to attend a football game for publicity, she can merely go out to dinner, or to her recording studio. Not to mention that groundbreaking, record-breaking, sold-out stadium tour she’s in the middle of right now.
She says she’s there to support her boyfriend in his work and she’s learning to love football.
She has done some incredible things for NFL, just by being at the games. Is this not something positive for everyone?
She has brought people together in remarkable ways. People in two opposing camps, NFL fans and pop music fans. The interest in football by women is growing, and that’s good for football — and maybe that’s the problem.
She has done more for the economy of the United States, for both cities and states. To the point that they ask her to come. Countries themselves have actually done that, asked her to come.
After Covid and the stagnant economy, this is a welcome change that is good for everyone.
For example, $331.5 M is the equivalent brand value Taylor Swift has made for the Chiefs and the NFL, Apex Marketing Group tells FOS.
Taylor has led the NFL to its highest regular season viewership among women since it began tracking in 2000. Perhaps that’s the problem! Or the annoyance. All these women at the games. All the attraction of the pop culture, and its fans, is what has people annoyed.
Her enthusiasm, and the excitement of her fans, could give the Chiefs what is perceived as an unfair advantage by radically improving attendance and excitement at the games. That too could be part of the problem, but that just comes down to jealousy.
These haters are threatened by strong vocal successful women, and don’t want to see them in their territory because in their minds they don’t belong and therefore make them uncomfortable about their own lack of success.
Publicity it has been said that CBS used her to promote the Grammys. Now that I can understand, though you should be mad at CBS, not Taylor, all she did was show up to a game, look to have some fun and support her boyfriend.
She has said she doesn’t know how the camera people know where she is, that she has no idea if she’s being shown once or 25 times. If she was after publicity, she’d be paying attention don’t you think?
If you watch what she and Travis are talking about after the Chiefs AFC Championship win, he asked her, “Where were you guys?” And she pointed to where she was sitting. He didn’t know either!
She lives a life under constant intense scrutiny from the media and the paparazzi, about every move she makes and she’s still happy, incredibly grounded and a light for all of us. It’s really remarkable when you look at it from that light. How would any of you handle all of that attention?
Come On People. Let’s give her a break.
What does that really say about you who are annoyed and hating on her?
That you want women to ‘tone it down’ and be less than. Is that the message you want to send to the girls in your family?
It’s a man’s world and women have no place in it, especially when it comes to things like football. Is it that she and her fans have ‘invaded your territory?’
A girl who is excited and proud for her boyfriend you call clingy, attention grabbing when in reality it is a truly fabulous and heartwarming love — that you’d rather not see because you can’t handle it or because it’s not meant for public view? Get over it.
With the amount of animosity and division in this country right now, we need it. We all do. Something to cheer, to be excited about and to bring us together. It is an unintended consequence of it and quite possibly the best one. And she is doing a tremendous service to reduce that negativity and be a light — that you could be happy about.
That you’re jealous of other people’s success or their great relationship.
The enormous success that both of them have worked very hard to accomplish. The great relationship that she and Travis have built thus far, and how they support each other. It’s fantastic.
By finding a way to be happy for them, you create more opportunities to see more success and great relationships in your own life.
Granted, I was surprised she went down to the field after their championship win, no one there seemed to mind. She celebrated with Travis and gave him space to be where he needed to be. Which is amazing.
Highly successful people can make the vast majority who aren’t successful, uncomfortable. That discomfort causes people to look outward to feel better about their own position, when the best thing they could do is to feel happy for them.
That envy does not have to come from a celebrity to spark annoyance in an individual. It can come from someone much closer to home.
At the end of the day, Love is Love. And it is special to see. With Travis and Taylor, it is a lovely thing.
In conclusion, the annoyance being directed toward Taylor Swift and her appearances on camera during Kansas City Chiefs football games, says a lot about the haters too. Being envious of others’ success, not wanting to see love and affection in the public view or at football games, booing her while she’s just trying to enjoy the game, just like you are.
David Letterman said it best, “It is a lovely thing. So Shut UP!”
“Taylor Swift, I don’t think in the history of show business, in the history of popular culture, we’ve ever witnessed anything like this,” Letterman said in the minute-long video with the caption “Dave is Team Taylor.” (Link here)
We live in a world now where all we hear is nonsense and ugliness, and the nonsense can’t be more nonsensical and the ugliness, God hopes it can’t get any uglier, but that’s all we hear,” he said. “That’s all we hear. So now, here’s Taylor Swift, who is a glowing bright light of goodness in the world. It’s a lovely thing, so shut up!”