Are You Setting Daily Intentions? Why You Should Start


Daily intentions can lead you to feel both calm and energetic, both satisfied and driven, both present and prepared for the future. These simple strategies can have life-changing results, if you let them.

Some people might feel silly setting daily intentions since, at first, it can almost feel like you are talking to yourself. Don’t let this stop you!

After putting yourself in the most effective frame of mind and giving it a try, you’re likely to see the benefits rather quickly.

Let’s take a look at how daily intentions work, why they are helpful, and how to go about setting them for yourself — so that you can get the most out of your day and create the life you want.

What are daily intentions and how do they work?

Everyday your brain is full of thousands of thoughts, ideas, concerns, questions. You have a to-do list, a calendar, a schedule to keep. Your mind is always working — even when you’re asleep!

With all of the internal and external noise you must process every day, it’s a good idea to set at least one daily intention per day — ideally at the very start of your day.

What is a daily intention? Let me first clarify that this is different from an affirmation. Do you remember “Daily Affirmation with Stuart Smalley” from Saturday Night Live? This sketch about a mock self-help show might be what you think of when you hear “daily affirmation” — as he would tell himself things like “I am an attractive person” and “I am fun to be with.”

This is not what we’re talking about here!

In this article, we are focusing on daily intentions — commitments you make to yourself; an expression of how and where you want to show up for the day.

An intention is a message you send to yourself about who you want to become, where you want to go and even what you want to create in your life.

Daily intentions are a way to empower yourself to achieve your goals. It’s an opportunity to focus on something that matters to you — whether for personal or professional reasons, health, wealth, relationships, your impact on the environment or the world.

It’s waking up and actively promising yourself things like:

Today, I will … make healthy choices.

… take care of the environment.

… be my authentic self.

… avoid distractions and be productive.

… be calm and patient in my interactions with others.

… take moments to enjoy my surroundings and count my blessings.

… be kind to myself.

Daily intentions are like a message for the day; a gentle reminder to yourself of how you want the day to go. And one of the best parts is they accumulate to create the life of your dreams.

The benefits of setting daily intentions

One of the excellent parts about setting daily intentions is that, while they are helpful toward setting long-term goals, they are also a way to remain present and focused. They are all about how you want to feel and who you want to be in the here and now.

When setting daily intentions, you’re giving yourself permission to say that whatever happened in the past, it doesn’t matter. It’s true! What’s really important is how and who you are today. In doing so, you will be actively making choices for a better tomorrow, and the future you desire.

Daily intentions help you focus on your priorities, the values and goals that are important to you, and what you want to give attention to today.

Making time each day to set intentions can help you keep your thoughts in check. Out of the thousands of thoughts you have each day, many are negative. Keep negative thoughts at bay by redirecting with your positive intentions.

Having these “mini goals” each day can help make your larger goals more attainable. If your long-term goal is to lose weight, setting a daily intention of “making healthy choices” will help you on that journey. If your long-term goal is to be able to work less hours, setting a daily intention to “avoid distractions” can be the baby step needed to get there.

Many people also find that daily intentions lead them to feel more energetic, driven, and poised to make each day count. Daily intentions can add more purpose and more direction to your life. Who doesn’t want that?

Setting daily intentions can help you create the life you want. Yes, that’s right! Think about the word “intentions.” It means you’re taking control by being intentional with your life, instead of merely reacting to what life throws at you. Daily intentions are deliberate choices YOU make every day to achieve the life you desire.

How to begin setting daily intentions

This process starts with taking inventory of a few things. You can begin by asking yourself any of the following questions:

  • What kind of day do I want to have?

  • What are my priorities for the day?

  • What do I value most in my life, right now?

  • How would I like to feel throughout the day?

  • What kind of interactions would I like to have with others?

  • What do I need in order to stay focused and achieve my goals?

Use your responses to help guide the intentions you set for yourself. Try to attach them to a larger goal to give them greater purpose — though this will probably happen organically as you go through the process.

To help remind yourself of your intentions throughout the day, jot them down in a journal, notepad or sticky note that you keep somewhere visible. Perhaps set a reminder on your phone to go over them throughout the day. Keeping a log of your intentions can also be helpful as the days and weeks go on — to note your progress, recognize your accomplishments, and recommit to the intentions that have a longer shelf life.

If you’re open to meditating, try meditating on your intentions at the start of each day — even the middle and end as well. Taking some mindful moments to reflect and evaluate how committed you were to your intentions that day can help solidify them in your mind and heart.

Remember, these are guidelines — not harsh rules. They can be fluid and change from one day to another based on shifting needs and situations. These are your intentions — not someone else’s — and make sure they are attainable, encouraging, and uplifting.

I would love to help you get started.

Setting daily intentions is an excellent, fulfilling, motivating way to start the day. Committing to one or a few intentions each day can make you feel more anchored to yourself and what you hope to get out of the day ahead of you.

As mentioned, one of the most important steps in creating your intentions is to understand your priorities, values, and goals. Many people need outside assistance to draw out and formalize these things — and I have years of experience doing just that.

If you need help setting daily intentions, contact us at and we can help you!

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Maureen Considine is Founder and CEO of Finding Your Way Coaching. A Master Coach with expertise in Income Acceleration, Business Development, Sales and Mindset, she is the Wealth Health Creation Strategist for entrepreneurs, executives, and other high performers. Maureen has over 25 years of experience in sales and marketing. She has helped hundreds of clients grow their businesses and reach their true potential using her unique, intuitive, and holistic approach. Maureen has a B.A. in Psychology, with training in mindset and the Psychology of Sales.

Maureen Considine