The Patterns That Keep You Stuck… Are The Reason For Your Results — And, You Cannot See Them on Your Own!


Are you in a successful business trying to grow to the next level and you just can’t seem to get there and have no idea why?

You have some success, you do a great job and then suddenly you stall or hit a peak you can’t get through?

Are you trying to get your business going and growing by you just can’t seem to get the revenue coming in that you need? You know you have a good product and/or service but for some reason, you cannot find the solution to why you cannot move forward.

Are you frustrated and actually losing hope that you are ever going to get there and suddenly you find yourself settling for where you are?

Then you are in the right place.

I have known this and taught this to my clients for years. It was driven home in both of my most recent retreats, or Luxury Transformational Experiences, so I decided to publish an article on the subject.

There are things that you do, think and/or say, repeatedly, that cause the current results you have in your life, whether you want them or not! And, you do not even realize you do them or that they are the problem.

Those patterns can get in the way of having the results you want, in every area of your lives, including business, relationships, health, weight, spirituality… I’d venture to say everything in your life or darn close.

Some of those patterns are:

  • I have worked so hard.

  • I don’t want to make a mistake or the wrong choice.

  • To make a lot of money takes a long time.

  • I am too busy.

  • I want/need to do this first. Raise the kids, talk to my spouse, finish this project.

  • Asking questions. Or the need to do research.

Do you find yourself thinking and/or saying any of these to yourself or even to others? These are only a few, there are so many more.

What happens is these patterns of thought, behavior, words or beliefs create a circumstance or situation that takes you off your focus and puts it elsewhere. Then you focus intently on the circumstance that are created and before you know it you are spinning, meaning your thoughts are going around in circles and you cannot stop it. You may not be certain why this is happening, not to mention why you cannot get out of it.

More importantly, you cannot move forward or even get to where you want to go, resulting in frustration, confusion, procrastination and even paralysis. I’ve heard people then say, well I’m too busy to take on anything else, including hiring a coach, when that is exactly what they need to do. Otherwise, they’ll spend so much of their time working hard and not getting anywhere.

You won’t be able to move forward, you won’t be able to see why and those around you are more likely to support your frustration and being busy than help you to solve it. It’s just the way most people are.

It can be detrimental to your success. We can help with that.

The biggest place people do this is with time and money! That means these patterns will keep you from earning the money you want and having more than enough time to get to the activities that you want! When it comes to money for example, these ideas and beliefs are such as:

  • I don’t have the money.

  • I can’t spend the money.

  • I can’t afford it.

When it comes to time these ideas and beliefs are such as:

  • I don’t have the time.

  • I’m too busy with other projects.

  • Check back with me in a few months.

The first thing you need is awareness. Nothing changes until you are aware there is a problem. And if you’re stuck in a cycle of confusion or spinning thoughts, you just won’t be able to see that there is a problem. In fact, you may even continue to tell yourself that very idea. “I don’t see a problem,” thus creating more of it!

You cannot see them on your own. Take this recent experience I had with a client on a Luxury Transformational Experience where she continuously showed up in her cycle of repeating the same questions, the same answers and telling me she ‘didn’t know how’ as if she wasn’t smart enough to figure it out. This went on for a long time, where I often pointed out to her what it was that she was really doing, until she could ‘see it’ and then we could work on moving forward. Through our work together, she was able to recognize some of the major patterns holding her back, such as the tendency to repeatedly play the victim and also to let feelings of guilt impact her success or cause her to stop.

Here’s what she had to say:

I have been coaching with Finding Your Way Coaching and I have tripled my income and grown my clients as well. At the same time, my relationships are 150% better!

And I want more. I was finding it difficult to get there. In my work with Maureen, I realized my issue was getting through my patterns to the other side where I could see them and therefore do anything about them.

I asked Maureen for a retreat where I would have more time to work through these patterns and feelings of guilt, which led to emotional meltdowns, which keep me going in circles.

I was not getting where I wanted to be. I was struggling to get new clients and had lots of excuses for why this was true. I was stuck playing victim, needing to be right and make others wrong.

What I learned during that amazing time in my retreat was just how those habits were standing in the way of me having what I want in life.

As a result of the Transformational Experience, I am poised to vastly improve my relationships, my marriage, and my business.”

A second thing that will be helpful is clarity. To be super clear on what it is that you are telling yourself that is causing the fear, or the cycle that you are in. You may not even know it, which is why you need to reach out for help. I cannot stress this enough. The patterns of behavior that you continue to perform keep you busy, very very busy and exactly where you are! This can be so frustrating. It can also be very deceiving in such a way that you cannot get the support you need to move forward.

Third, give yourself a new experience! A transformational experience that will remove you from your regular environment and allow you to see what is really going on, with the support needed to guide you through it.

There are other steps that will need to be taken and those will be different for everyone, because everyone’s experience is different and people move at different paces.

The current patterns of behavior — those things that you repeatedly think, say, do — are the very things that keep you stuck exactly where you are and will continue to do so, unless you get the support you need.

You can’t do it on your own and we can do this together!

If you need help identifying patterns that keep you stuck and a plan for improvement, contact us at and we can help you!

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Maureen Considine is Founder and CEO of Finding Your Way Coaching. A Master Coach with expertise in Income Acceleration, Business Development, Sales and Mindset, she is the Wealth Health Creation Strategist for entrepreneurs, executives, and other high performers. Maureen has over 25 years of experience in sales and marketing. She has helped hundreds of clients grow their businesses and reach their true potential using her unique, intuitive, and holistic approach. Maureen has a B.A. in Psychology, with training in mindset and the Psychology of Sales.

Maureen Considine