You live in an increasingly loud and fast-paced world. During the COVID pandemic for some their small inner world got quieter, but for others it got louder. Today I wanted to speak to the power of silence, of quieting the mind and/or sitting in silence even for a short time.
The tendency toward a need to be busy can make it difficult for people to sit or be in silence, making them antsy or uncomfortable. Doing so, however, will allow for new ideas to come through, for a calm peaceful state to happen as well as that quiet inner voice to shine through. Doesn’t all of that sound amazing?
The ceaseless noise of the current world can easily drown all of that out.
Quiet pauses throughout the day can ground you, even short ones, will put your mind at ease, make you more aware of your environment and help you to enjoy it. A bird chirping or children playing outside or just the breeze blowing through the trees, can improve your peace of mind and how your day is going.
Some people have the best ideas in these moments!
Setting aside time just to be still and be quiet, as in quieting the mind, can benefit you enormously. Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu once said, “Silence is a source of great strength.”
Whether that’s a formal meditation in the mornings, or a walk outside with or without headphones or a spontaneous break in your day, each can have valuable effects for you.
Is it difficult for you to do this? Because your mind wants to race or you have this overwhelming need to be busy, either way, how could things change for you if you were able to do this? Could you practice?
Slowing down your mind allows for better brain function and an opportunity for you to achieve better focus without distractions. This means that taking some time to enjoy the silence can actually lead to more productivity in the long run!
Silence can be an opportunity to achieve the restoration and relaxation you so greatly need.
When you’re able to relax — both in mind and body — you are able to release the tension you so often walk around carrying. Your anxiety lessens and you are better able to manage the stress of the day.
When you’re able to make pockets of silence throughout the day a routine, your nighttime will improve as well. Teaching your mind and body how to embrace silence will allow for better sleep — something that is truly priceless!
There are physical benefits to embracing silence as well. For one, experts say that turning off technology and other noise throughout the day can lower your blood pressure — especially when that silence is used for mindfulness, to reflect and meditate.
Reduced stress, better sleep, slowing down… all of these things contribute to improved mental health and better mental clarity. Clarity in itself can be powerful.
The power of silence can be experienced no matter where you are or how much time you might have.
Setting up a specific space for these moments may actually be very helpful. Somewhere you can just stop by in your home for brief pauses throughout the day. Even if it’s just a chair by a window or a swing on your porch–make it a quiet place just for you!
It might take some time to get used to the idea of being quiet, not multitasking, and just embracing the silence. But once you do, you will see improvements in so many areas of your life!
How can you benefit from silence in your life right now? Drop a comment below or send me a message!
If you need help working silence into your day, contact us at and we can help you!
Maureen Considine is Founder and CEO of Finding Your Way Coaching. A Master Coach with expertise in Income Acceleration, Business Development, Sales and Mindset, she is the Wealth Health Creation Strategist for entrepreneurs, executives, and other high performers. Maureen has over 25 years of experience in sales and marketing. She has helped hundreds of clients grow their businesses and reach their true potential using her unique, intuitive, and holistic approach. Maureen has a B.A. in Psychology, with training in mindset and the Psychology of Sales.