When you can't break through the income ceiling, and move past your current best results, it can be challenging to figure out what to do. You try and try, but little seems to be working. You've got to have a new strategy; a new approach to get you there. But you can't figure out what that is.
So what do you do? Let's talk about that.
I hear this a lot from my clients. Sometimes it’s being stuck financially, not seeing past an obstacle, or stuck in the same routine. It’s hitting a ceiling, over and over again, no matter what you do! – as you’ll hear with my client below.
Working Harder Isn’t the Solution
You think you need to work harder to get past that ceiling only to end up in the same place, only now you’re more exhausted. This can be a frustrating, hopeless feeling because now you’re in a continuous cycle.
You think that you need to go back to basics or to what worked for you in the past. However, this isn’t the best solution either if you’re looking to move forward and grow.
In order for you to break through you need to identify what must change. This can be easier said than done! It isn’t always easy to see for yourself what is keeping you where you are, most business owners do not understand this, so they keep doing the same old things.
Because, more often than not, what needs to change is you.
Entrepreneurs and executives are usually stuck because they rely on the same decisions, actions, and patterns that they’ve always turned to in the past. The problem is this approach is not going to get you to the breakthrough!
You can’t follow the same path and expect to end up somewhere different. It just doesn’t work like that, but that’s exactly what most business owners do.
An outside, expert perspective is key to identifying what holds you back. I help clients do this every day.