Working From Home...


I have been a business owner & entrepreneur for over the last 10 years, and the switch to working from home, the last several months,  hasn't actually changed for me.

But here is what's interesting. What I have seen are changes from other people who were not used to that. And it's been fascinating to observe.

Some things are what people miss and what they don’t miss. About what they like about working from home and about what they don’t like. About that they can’t wait to go back to work and others don’t want to go back. Then, there is a combination of both.

👉 So what people miss the most is human interaction. I think we all have missed that. Whether you’ve always worked from home or not. The lack of human interaction. That can be colleagues working together on a project shoulder to shoulder or being able to communicate with someone who is in the office next door or just being around other people without necessarily working or communicating with them.

I think also since we are not commuting there is less stress and more comfort. And at the same time, we are missing some time for ourselves because we can be constantly working so we can be working longer hours and not taking care of ourselves. And that is including and increasing stress. But... at the same time, people are saying they are a lot calmer. So the dynamics of it are just fascinating.

The benefits of working from home:

👉It is easier

👉We can do it when we want to

👉It allows us to be highly creative

If we take the time to go outside or make sure to take a lunch. Some people love the idea that they can work in jeans or can keep their slippers on. Others love that they can let the dog out, or take a morning break to play with my kids. It’s actually fantastic.

But what I am also hearing is there is constant pressure to be working and its causing burnout, which we are going to talk about tomorrow.

As a business owner, I have done this for the last 10 years. I noticed it, the human interaction and I have missed it as well.

Look at the conversations on Zoom, so we switched from the phone to video calls so we can actually see someone. 

So, there are some things we are liking and some things that we can’t wait to change.

Maureen Considine