Finding Your Way Coaching

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Fear can paralyze you. Faith is the answer.

Fear can paralyze you. Fear has taken over so many at this time. Instead of feeling this way, I want you to feel fearless! Part of feeling fearless is being grateful for everything you still have. 

Let Your Faith be Greater Than your Fear. This is what you need to be focusing on right now. Faith.

Faith that everything is working for good, for the greater good. It will all be okay! Even though you may not be able to see that in front of you.

Faith. According to the St James version of the Bible, is the ‘Substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.’

When you look at fear, it actually allows your mind to wander, even run off into the future and build a story of what could happen, what might happen and just how bad it could get.

Faith instead actually encourages you to breathe. To come back into the moment. That there is much to be grateful for, that there is a greater power at work for all.

When you allow this power, this feeling to envelope you, as in a white blanket, that is when you can be your most loving, your most giving and your most transformational. This is when God can work through you, for all of us.

I would love to hear some of the ways you find Faith today!