What a Coach Can Do For You: 3 Ways Coaching can Transform Your Life
Maureen Considine
There are numerous things that a coach can do for you, your business, and your health — even in a way that is designed to be a co-creative or collaborative partnership.
When coaches work together with their clients, it helps them realize and maximize their potential, their goals and their values, both personally and professionally. These collaborative partnerships can help make business and leadership easier, take less time, and bring remarkable results when they are in their true creativity and joy.
Coaching can help you get from where you are now, to where you want to go, in every area of your life. Because what got you to where you are, may not be enough to get you to the next level. It sounds simple, and yet most people are stuck in a place they either do not like or are merely settling for good enough.
Elite entrepreneurs know what their patterns are — and these are the very things holding them back. Change is often the challenge. A coach can help with that, guide them through, and present the strategies to move forward — all without the struggle and while holding them accountable. That is priceless. Why? Because these habits, thought patterns and old beliefs can be subtle, you may not even be aware of them. They can be the very things that determine your offers, your rates, how hard you have to work for your income. These habits determine the condition of your relationships, even your level of success.
Any time you go through a major life change or transition, it can be very uncomfortable, even unsettling. And we’re all experiencing major change and disruption right now, where our old way of doing things no longer works. Someone to help you navigate through this and come out well on the other side! It is not only necessary, its invaluable.
Check out these three ways that a coach can transform your business and your life:
1. Providing clarity on your vision. Clarity is key. Being clear on your mission, your direction, and where you want to get to is critical at all levels and it begins at the top. The CEO — the leader of the company — needs to be clear on where the company is headed. It is the place where strategy, action steps, and follow through originate. Without it, you are throwing darts at a board, hoping you land near the target.
2. Improving your health and wellbeing. This may sound like it doesn’t have anything to do with business or success. In fact, however, when your wellbeing is not cared for, your results are going to show it. It could mean you have a nagging issue, or you’re under a great amount of stress, your work has become so time consuming, or work from home is full of distractions for you.
Having spent two plus years in either lockdown and/or work from home, many people are experiencing more stress and uncertainty on levels we are just beginning to see. It gives a whole new meaning to the importance of work-life balance, which can cause people to be very busy without getting the results they want. They remain stuck. A good coach can help you to move forward in a way that not only feels good, but it also increases your happiness and freedom.
3. Becoming a better leader. Many of us are being called to become better leaders, though sometimes in ways that are not familiar. The world is in a place that is unprecedented in our lifetimes. In order to get through it and flourish, we need to be able to think differently, take actions that may be unfamiliar, and even step into more leadership. Today, leaders are being called to show up in ways that are often new to them, with emotional intelligence, social justice, and providing meaning rather than just a paycheck. A coach can be invaluable here, to bring the gap to being a leader for all ages.
Maureen Considine is Founder and CEO of Finding Your Way Coaching. A Master Coach with expertise in Income Acceleration, Business Development, Sales and Mindset, she is the Wealth Health Creation Strategist for entrepreneurs, executives, and other high performers. Maureen has over 25 years of experience in sales and marketing. She has helped hundreds of clients grow their businesses and reach their true potential using her unique, intuitive, and holistic approach. Maureen has a B.A. in Psychology, with training in mindset and the Psychology of Sales.