Finding Your Way Coaching

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Silencing Your Inner Critic

You all know this voice.

The one that tells you that you’re not good enough, that your best idea will never work, or it will be too hard.

The one that tells you that you don’t know enough or have the experience for the task or event in front of you.

The one that tells you that you are too old, too fat, too slow, too young, too inexperienced, too stubborn, too controlling, and on and on.

The one that tells you that you aren’t good at sales, you’ll never make it in the job you want or that you’ll never make a lot of money.

Something happens or doesn’t work out exactly as you had hoped and the voice inside your head tries to point out all the things you did wrong or did not try at all.

An amazing opportunity comes along and what you hear in your head is criticism such as: You’re not qualified to do that, or no one will want to listen to you. So, what happens? You shy away from it, avoid it and ultimately turn it down — when it very well could have been the very thing you need to do to get to the next level.

You know what? I’ve even heard my clients do this with their successes!! Something goes very well in their business and they say it was ‘luck’ or just a ‘fluke.’ They go on thinking that they cannot do it, even forgetting the amazing success they just had.

For example, clients will have an amazing breakthrough and double or triple their income in a short time. And in the next coaching call, they go right back to worrying about money and how they are going to pay that next bill. It’s surprising to watch. They forget or dismiss the very thing they‘ve been working for.

How do you stop this incessant critic? Here are four of those tactics that you can easily implement to begin the process of silencing your inner critic. Even if at first you just turn down the volume of this negative voice, you can make progress as you continue to work through the process.

To silence the inner critic or to at least turn down the volume, begin by not listening. I know it sounds simple, but you’d be surprised how many people think that because it is rattling around in their head that they need to listen to it. You don’t!

That’s right, just let it sit there, regain your focus on your goal and keep going.

Silencing that inner critic is a habit that can be changed. It’s important to understand that you will make mistakes, that you can take responsibility for them, learn from them, and move on. There is no purpose in getting down on yourself over it or ‘beating yourself up’ because of it.

You can silence that inner critic by being kind to yourself. That’s right. The more you are kind to yourself, the quieter that voice will become. Kindness is a way of being and a choice you can make for yourself, as often as you need to.

Hire a coach or mentor. Working with a coach or mentor can lead you to have the breakthrough you need and reach the level you’re going for and even beyond — faster than you could have accomplished on your own.

For most people an outside, expert perspective is needed to help you identify that inner critic and begin to silence it so you can get to the next level. Allowing your inner critic to take over will influence the decisions you make and the results you experience. And! It doesn’t have to. I have helped many clients over the years develop strategies for silencing this negative voice, leading them to achieve more confidence, better performance, and amazing results. I’d love to help you, too.

Email me at to set up a complimentary call.

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Maureen Considine is Founder and CEO of Finding Your Way Coaching. A Master Coach with expertise in Income Acceleration, Business Development, Sales and Mindset, she is the Wealth Health Creation Strategist for entrepreneurs, executives, and other high performers. Maureen has over 25 years of experience in sales and marketing. She has helped hundreds of clients grow their businesses and reach their true potential using her unique, intuitive, and holistic approach. Maureen has a B.A. in Psychology, with training in mindset and the Psychology of Sales.