December Already?! 4 Things To Think About, Before it Ends


Business Opportunities still exist and will still happen.

December rolls around and very often much faster than most expect. All of the sudden it’s December! Your thoughts and focus switch to the holidays and thoughts about jingle bells and mistletoe. While that does occur, it’s not the only thing going on. Business can and does still get done, regardless of the industry you’re in.

This idea that it’s the holidays and no one wants to talk to you, is prevalent and quite frankly just an excuse to not work and become complacent. I encourage you not to do that. Once you give in to those types of ideas, others will easily and subtly follow right behind. The truth is your business in the month of December could easily be record breaking without letting the Holidays get in the way.

It’s a perfect time to think about and look for where you are leaving money on the table; simply because you are busy, you cannot see what might be right in front of you. They’re there. You just may be ignoring them or pushing them off into the new year.

So much thought gets shifted over to the next year when there is still so much of 2023 left to enjoy, both in business and outside of it. I know many people who don’t like the cold, what about the activities that come this time of year? Ice skating. Sledding. Skiing, cross-country skiing, theater, indoor sports, football in the snow.

December is the time to think about charity donations. If you are interested in doing them, now is the time to look into the ones you want to contribute to and how much. Yes, there is the potential for tax advantages, however, that is not the only benefit. Personal satisfaction can be a part of this; it’s also one of the most important pieces that make up one’s legacy.

In order to integrate them into a larger component, now is the time to consider what causes are important to you and what causes you would like to contribute to. There are thousands of options out there and finding one or two that speak to you can be rewarding.

It’s December, take a look at your financials both personally and professionally. Do you know how many people do not do this at all and yet it’s critical for building both a business and wealth? That includes both what you have coming in, and the expenses you have going out, that at year-end can be higher than usual.

It’s December and it’s also the Holidays so do pay attention to the fun stuff, within the business. Here’s one of the biggest and best suggestions I can make around this, and that is to be intentional or mindful about them. That means, make a decision on what you want this holiday season to look like for you, your family and those you work with.

As the leader, you can set the tone. It doesn’t mean you have to ease up on work projects or hours. It means you decide what you want to do during this month, otherwise you are going to say Yes to invitations that you might not want to, without much thought into what you want this to look like.

You might find you like to be busy and active, or that you need to slow down and give yourself some ‘off’ time. If you don’t think about it now, it will catch up with you.

Now is the time to do it.

Lastly, let’s focus on the Holidays for the last portion of this article. It’s definitely one of the busiest times of year and sometimes it is full. You could be focusing on trying to get it all done throughout the year and December can bring more of that, if you’re not mindful.

It’s a perfect time of year for some self-care, taking the time to pay attention to what you need, to what you want and slow down a bit. Enjoy the time of year, also enjoy all that comes with it, decorations, the smell of Pine trees, baking traditions, whatever those may be for you. Stress can be high this season and it doesn’t have to be. Give some thought to your schedule for December, with work and business opportunities to finish the year strong, as well as those activities that build your energy, your excitement and sheer joy.

You might be surprised by how few people actually do this and find this month to be filled with stress when it doesn’t have to be. What about those around you? How do you want this to be for them?

Whether it’s an aging parent who needs help getting around. Maybe it’s the young couple who just had a baby. What about the colleague who switched jobs and is feeling overwhelmed. Or the college student on break trying to readjust to being back at home. These aren’t your typical scenarios, though how much fun would it be to include them, somehow… There are so many ways to make this month of December one of your best, and for those around you.

Here’s to a Fabulous December!

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Maureen Considine is Founder and CEO of Finding Your Way Coaching. A Master Coach with expertise in Income Acceleration, Business Development, Sales and Mindset, she is the Wealth Health Creation Strategist for entrepreneurs, executives, and other high performers. Maureen has over 25 years of experience in sales and marketing. She has helped hundreds of clients grow their businesses and reach their true potential using her unique, intuitive, and holistic approach. Maureen has a B.A. in Psychology, with training in mindset and the Psychology of Sales.

Maureen Considine