Authenticity and Accountability


What does it mean to live an authentic life? It means different things to different people, for sure. To me it means to make choices, with your thoughts, words and actions, that are in line with who you truly are and who you want to become. Leading an authentic life can be very hard to do, on a college campus with freedom and peer pressure running rampant it can be more than hard to do. Also, in life when you put others first, or to give your children every possible opportunity, to get that next promotion or to care for your aging parents. Being in a place where you can be yourself, do what is important to you without having to worry about what other people think or might be saying behind your back is comforting and supportive, yet it also allows us to focus on your priorities. It is helpful, valuable to be around and working with like minded people. It makes your own personal development easier, quicker and helps to move beyond your comfort zone. It is often easier for others to see your strengths and talents than it is for you to see them. Having people that you care about and respect hold you accountable to your goals and values is also critical and so rewarding. Which leads me to Accountability, which is about having someone or a group to answer to and to call you on your ‘stuff’ when you are not following through on your decisions, goals or commitments. Someone who believes in you when days get to be the most complicated, challenging and nothing seems to be going right. You will do more, accomplish more and get greater results with this support in place. An accountability partner can help you to stay on track, especially when life throws us a curve ball. Having these two qualities in your life, will help you to be more successful, disciplined and achieve greater results, in your life, relationships, work and caring for yourself. It applies whether you are a 49 year old business owner or 19 year old college student. Your assignment: What does Authenticity mean to you? What would living an authentic life look like to you? Do you have someone to help hold you accountable? What would having these two things affect your life? How would authenticity and accountability make a difference in your life? What if you could have that starting today? Would you like to know more, please contact us at

Maureen Considine