Finding Your Way Coaching

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What Will You Do Next?

It is important to spend your time doing something meaningful, that you love and are good at, for your health, strength, relationships, well-being and success in your business. It makes sense that you are happier doing what you are naturally good at, you know the tasks or work that make you feel more like you are playing than working. Over time your interests can change, your needs and responsibilities change. For instance, you start a family, and want to take time off, or you want a flexible schedule to try to meet everyone’s needs. When you are that busy, and most people are, you begin to feel disconnected from your kids, you’re your colleagues. You can find yourselves playing tag team or taking shifts to get things done. Once you shift that perspective to work as a team, once you begin to realign your actions with your priorities, you will compromise one or more of the significant areas of your life. How to decide what to do next It is a good idea to get a journal or something to write the answers to these questions in. Take some time when you won’t be disturbed for a while, to just write what comes up for you. 1. Think about your interests – What would you do all day long, that you lose track of time with? 2. What are your unique abilities, those things that just come naturally to you? 3. Think back to childhood, and what you wanted to be when you grow up. 4. When you are with your family, what are your favorite activities or moments? 5. Often this will let you know what your natural abilities are, and sometimes it is hard for us to see this in ourselves, if that is the case, talk this through with a close friend, or someone else. 6. Another option is to take a look at what you don’t like to do, that can be helpful in showing us what we do like to do. 7. What are some things you have always wanted to do but never had the chance? How would you finish this statement: “If I had the time I would…?” Please fee free to contact us at if you’d like to know more or if you need support with what you will do next!